*Machine Translation

Report on Cyber-Related Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

June 21, 2024
CYCLOPES: Fighting Cybercrime – Law Enforcement Practitioners' Network

This public document highlights key findings from the LEA practitioner workshop held on February 14-15, 2024 in Floriana, Malta.

Latest virtual reality (VR) headset technologies coupled with generative artificial intelligence (GAI) present some of the key challenges that LEAs face in fighting grooming and child sexual abuse, largely due to the scale that new material can be produced, its realism and difficulty to distinguish from genuine photographs.

It is vital that law enforcement agencies (LEAs) can identify victims quickly, however GAI can create a forest of images, quickly making it far more difficult to identify images of real abuse and therefore identify and safeguard victims quickly.

VR and GAI is amplifying pre-existing CSAE risks. Policy and legislation in particular, play an important role as technology evolves at a constant and rapid pace, and its interpretation and application to CSAE offences that take place in VR spaces, involve GAI CSAM, or both, will impact on the outcomes of police investigations.


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