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LEAGUE – Limiting online sexual Exploitation and Abuse Gender based on Underaged boys by Educating experts


The LEAGUE (“Limiting online sexual Exploitation and Abuse Gender based on Underaged boys by Educating experts”) project aims at preventing online sexual abuse of boys aged 10-18. The duration of LEAGUE is 24 months, and it will be implemented into two main streams – the first one encompasses the international and national trainings, while the second one refers to the elaboration of an Internet Platform and a Chatbot. The first stream includes two international trainings which will be held in Vienna, Austria. They will target psychologists, carers, social workers, law enforcement, lawyers, prosecutors. Additionally, there will be four national trainings in each partner country (20 in total). The latter will address teachers, parents, school psychologists and will be focused on behavioural science which will contribute to spotting the signs of online child sexual abuse and how to cope with such matters as well as potential prevention measures. The boys aged 10-18, who are the main subject of the project, will actively participate in the creation of the Internet Platform and chatbot under the LEAGUE project. Additionally, the goal of the foreseen activities is to improve the competences of the stakeholders who are working with the victims of such crimes.


  • To prevent the online sexual abuse of boys;
  • To strengthen the capacity of the professionals who work with this particular vulnerable group of victims;
  • To draw more attention to the issue and enhance the safety of boys online;
  • To increase the awareness and to improve the knowledge of parents, teachers, and psychologists who communicate with children, especially boys who are victims of online crimes;
  • To create and implement an Internet Platform and a Chatbot that will provide information and answer basic questions in the context of online sexual abuse.

The LEAGUE project has received funding by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) (2021-2027) under Grant Agreement 101049294.


02/2022 – 01/2024



Law and Internet Foundation (LIF)


The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) CESIE OPHIZ SYNYO

To create and implement an Internet Platform and a Chatbot that will provide information and answer basic questions in the context of online sexual abuse.
To increase the awareness and to improve the knowledge of parents, teachers, and psychologists who communicate with children, especially boys who are victims of online crimes.



Target groups

Professionals, parents, teachers, and psychologists.



Social media



Funding information

The LEAGUE project has received funding by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) (2021-2027) under Grant Agreement 101049294.

Key activities

To create and implement an Internet Platform and a Chatbot that will provide information and answer basic questions in the context of online sexual abuse.

To increase the awareness and to improve the knowledge of parents, teachers, and psychologists who communicate with children, especially boys who are victims of online crimes.

Related Organisations

Coordinator: Law and Internet Foundation (LIF)

Initiative overview


  • Europe



Social media




Law and Internet Foundation (LIF)


The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) CESIE OPHIZ SYNYO
This initiative does not have any Activities yet. Stay tuned!
This initiative does not have any Key Findings yet. Stay tuned!


Funded by the European Union
Law and Internet Foundation (LIF)
Funded by
the European Union

The website is funded through contributions from various projects, including several EU‑funded initiatives — you can find more details about them on the About Us page. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) of specific publications only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.

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