Prevention Global is an ambitious research initiative and unique online resource hub that will showcase effective approaches to the prevention of child sexual abuse perpetration.
The resource hub is a key piece of infrastructure supporting the prevention of child sexual abuse worldwide. It provides a one stop shop featuring insights, interventions and key organizations.
Sitting at the heart of Prevention Global will be a series of impact evaluations of high potential perpetration prevention programs. They include online- and in-person, and youth- and adult-focused programs. Rigorous evaluations of each, to be conducted in close collaboration with respective program developers, will inform policy, practice, and funding to support more effective efforts to prevent child sexual abuse worldwide.
In addition, Prevention Global will publish a series of ‘deep dive’ knowledge products to explore the nature of, and opportunities and challenges inherent in, perpetration prevention. The initiative is delivered by the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and The Royal’s Institute of Mental Health Research. Prevention Global is for anyone and everyone committed to preventing child sexual abuse.
The team behind Prevention Global has been assessing over 40 high potential programs around the world since 2021. The seven programs selected for evaluation show encouraging signs of effectiveness as well as potential for scale, translation, and adaptation.
Assess & Disseminate
Evaluate Knowledge
Advocate & Update
Increase Resources
The Prevention Global Deep Dive Series explores the nature of, and potential and challenges inherent in, perpetration prevention. Our first knowledge product explores a key issue at the heart of effective perpetration prevention – SCALABILITY.
The website is funded through contributions from various projects, including several EU‑funded initiatives — you can find more details about them on the About Us page. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) of specific publications only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.
Neither the European Union nor any other granting authority can be held responsible for the content.