Increased knowledge of the target groups specific support needs and new tools in the online intervention landscape.
The Protect and Prevent Through Support (2PS) project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme. 2PS is a three-year prevention initiative which will work on a variety of pressing topics and actions to help address the growing issues of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE), particularly in the online environment (OCSAE).
Together with leading global actors, we are committed to laying the foundations for new coherent modus operandi that complement the reactive approaches currently favoured, moving preventive actions to the forefront.
2PS ultimate goal is to protect children, and this can be achieved by addressing the support needs of people with a sexual interest in children and individuals who are concerned about their thoughts involving children, offering them alternative pathways.
2PS will contribute to understanding the prevention landscape and plan activities for knowledge exchange with valuable experts in the field. We will adopt a comprehensive and sociocultural-sensitive approach to prevention.
2PS will establish a central directory of services and support actions that can help anyone who recognises that they are experiencing troubling sexual thoughts and/or behaviours involving children.
To provide effective support, 2PS will create a peer education platform and a globally scalable online hub, designed respectively for people who fear they might offend against and are concerned about their sexual thoughts or behaviours.
2PS will develop training materials for target stakeholders (frontline-support, specialists and LEAs) to share new knowledge on people with sexual interest in children.
2PS aims to create communication campaigns that stimulate discussion and a shift in perception on the role of prevention for tackling CSAE.
2PS’s potential solutions will be tested and validated directly with a cluster of people that represent the target groups.
2PS will lead a comprehensive review of the regulatory landscape and procedural regulations across Europe that concern people with sexual interest in children.
Increased knowledge of the target groups specific support needs and new tools in the online intervention landscape.
A literature review on the mental health needs and barriers to treatment of people with a sexual interest in children and meta-analysis on the differences between offending and non-offending people with a sexual interest in children which will inform therapeutic work, research and policy making.
Via the online hub, 2PS will provide a significant contribution to the growing movement towards preventing child sexual abuse before it occurs.
Evaluations and reviews of existing good practices and through the development of new training, 2PS will deliver greater consistency and efficacy among professionals in the EU member states in working with people who fear they might offend against children.
Impactful communication through initiatives and campaigns to raise awareness and reduce social stigma of the target groups encouraging people to seek and receive help to prevent CSAE.
2PS’ Consortium consists of specialists spanning multiple fields. The team includes National Helplines, Universities, Outpatient Clinics, Psychologists and Sexologists, Law Enforcement, Technology partners, NGOs and Legal experts.
The team strives toward a paradigm shift in the approach to countering CSAE.
Partners have a huge range of experience and believe that to effectively address the challenges societies face, we should increase prevention actions and also guide people who fear they might offend against children to receive help
We must raise awareness of prevention actions that can and will protect children.
Develop culture-sensitive policy recommendations on child sexual abuse prevention methods applicable throughout the European Union.
Increase awareness among people with sexual interest in children on available support services to prevent further offences.
Increase knowledge on individuals with sexual interest in children and the need to guide them to behavioural change in order to prevent offending.
Enhance prevention actions by developing training materials for LEAs and frontline staff, networking among stakeholders and conducting awareness campaigns.
Develop culture-sensitive policy recommendations on child sexual abuse prevention methods applicable throughout the European Union.
Increase awareness among people with sexual interest in children on available support services to prevent further offences.
Increase knowledge on individuals with sexual interest in children and the need to guide them to behavioural change in order to prevent offending.
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