Every day, children and young people across the UK suffer sexual abuse, most commonly at the hands of someone they know. Latest research suggests at least one in six children aged 11-17 become victims.
We work to prevent abuse from happening in the first place - and to prevent it from happening again if it already has.
Where abuse has already taken place, we work with all those affected including adult male and female abusers; young people with harmful sexual behaviour; children with concerning sexual behaviours; victims of abuse and other family members. But we also work in families and with adults and young people where there has been no abuse, to help them keep themselves and others as safe as possible.
For over a quarter of a century we’ve used our wealth of child sexual abuse knowledge – including our understanding of abuser behaviour and prevention theory and practice – to deliver targeted evidence-based interventions that keep children safe.
Lucy Faithfull Foundation is a Registered Charity No. 1013025, and is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England No. 2729957.
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